Google map is one of the very popular services which is provided by Google LLC. An app such as Google map is the high prioritized app where people can navigate the world easily. Recently Google had launched a beta test of Google AR map. Google is trying to make easy to travel by Getting real-time GPS navigation, traffic, and transit info, and explore where to eat, drink no matter what part of the world you’re in. On April 1st, 2019 Google added the old retro style Snake game. Snake game is one of the most popular games among the 90’s children. You can play this game in a different location of the world including Cairo, London, San Francisco, São Paulo, Sydney, and Tokyo–right from Google Maps. In this twisted snake game, you play as a train instead of a snake and you have to pick up the passenger from different locations of the world.

How to play snake game on Google Maps?
To play this game in your Android/ios app first you need to update your app from the play store to the latest version because it works only in the latest version. To start playing snake game, simply open the Google Maps app, tap on the menu icon on the top left corner, then select “Play Snake”. Once you’ve selected a city, start picking up as many passengers as you can as your train travels around the world stopping everywhere from Big Ben, the Great Sphinx of Giza to the Eiffel Tower. But make sure you don’t run off the map (or into yourself)This game will be available only for today so don’t miss your chance to play the game. This game might not work in every device and country or Google might play April fool with you. To know the fact go and try yourself have fun.
You can still play this game on google site.